Investigator Support Program

Equipping researchers to make new scientific discoveries

Apple’s work to advance health is based on the belief that all innovation in health should be grounded in science. Today, Apple’s advanced features and technologies are empowering researchers around the world to collect data more frequently and at a broader scale than ever before so they can continue to move science forward. Studies around the globe are integrating Apple products into their research across heart, mobility, activity, and other focus areas.

Inspired by the innovative ways the research, clinical, and developer communities leverage Apple products and platforms, Apple launched the Investigator Support Program. The program provides researchers with the opportunities to receive Apple devices to use in their research studies, as well as access to app development resources to enhance their projects.

We have witnessed firsthand how researchers and clinicians are able to accomplish even more with the addition of Apple products to their research and care programs, and through this program, we hope many others have the same kind of success.

Getting Started

If you are interested in applying to the Investigator Support Program, a good starting point is to develop a study protocol and consider which data types, available through HealthKit and/or SensorKit, you’ll need.

You should also have plans for an iOS data collection app to support your research. Whether you plan to develop your own app or have a developer on your team, Apple has a few options to support your app development needs.

One option is Study App Template, a set of pre-configured files and templates that simplifies the development of essential study app features like consent, surveys, and data collection. Using Study App Template, minimal to no coding experience is required to build a study data collection app.

Developers should also be aware of the ResearchKit and CareKit frameworks, which include commonly required coding modules for health research apps.

You can apply for Apple devices and Study App Template through the Investigator Support Program.

How to Apply

Complete the Investigator Support Program application form and submit it to

Apple reviews applications in three cycles per year with due dates on January 5, April 5, and September 5. The review committee typically makes a determination 6-8 weeks after the due date in each cycle. Apple will evaluate proposals based on factors such as study design, product availability, utilization of Apple products and frameworks, ability to operationalize the proposed study, and the impact to users, patients, and/or the scientific community.

If your proposal includes data types accessible by SensorKit, you will also need to request a SensorKit entitlement.

The Investigator Support Program does not provide study sponsorship or funding.

Post-Award Responsibilities

If your application is approved, your institution will need to complete a standard Investigator Support Program Agreement and provide proof of study ethics board approval before devices can be awarded. At the time of approval, you will be provided an estimate of when devices will be available.

After devices have been distributed, investigators will provide quarterly status reports on the research and share details of any planned publications.

For more information, visit the FAQ page.